If you are making a fabulous Sims 3 Halloween costume then I would say that this is a fantastic masterpiece! There’s no way you can run a Frankenstein horror freak show without stitches on your Sims body! Comes in the above mod 5 different body colors (Skin tone can be redirected to your liking) and can be used from teenagers to large. I personally loved the X-ray body mask and Jack Skellington mask they are super scary! No Halloween fun without some scary masks! The producers of this genre were inspired by many horror films such as “ T “Nightmare Before Christmas”, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the overseas franchise. I classify it as an awesome sims 3 scary day costumes.

Well here it comes! If you have a funky phobia, it probably doesn’t mean it to you! The entire clothing set is available through Creator’s Blog if you are interested. The media file link is named promo video. This includes not only the mask but also the entire glamor dress, which he wore in the AHS franchise. I was able to find the mod after hours of searching. Art-Sims are very famous for Lady Gaga CC – but unfortunately their site got hacked etc.

This is probably my favorite medium that deals with terror in The Sims 3.